responsible反义词前缀是:ir,构成irresponsible1.They are irresponsible despots .
2.I become an irresponsible fool .
3.He was brilliant, fantastic, and irresponsible .
4.It is very irresponsible of him not to answer my letter .
5.Francis said that clagton was lazy, irresponsible .
6.There is too much mud-slinging by irresponsible journalists .
7.At the first call of the music, she became irresponsible .
8.It would be irresponsible to turn such a man loose on society .
9.Her irresponsible behavior cost her father many sleepless nights .
10.It would have been irresponsible to leave when all hands were needed to stabilize the ship of state .
a sense of responsibility英 美 责任感a sense of responsibility的用法和样例:例句Lacking a sense of responsibility;reckless.轻率的缺乏责任感的;冒失莽撞的Lacking a sense of responsibility; reckless.轻率的缺乏责任感的;冒失莽撞的I have a sense of responsibility.我有责任感。We must instill a sense of responsibility in our children.我们应该培养孩子们的责任感。Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy.不可靠的缺乏责任心; 不可靠或不值得信赖的A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.一位总统应该充满对国家的责任感。3、责任感英语作文
1.You Mustn"t Allow Your Family Duties To Interfere With Your Work.你不可让家庭责任干扰你的工作。
2.Always Mindful Of Family ResponsiBilities.对家庭责任时时牢记于心
3.Always Mindful Of Family Responsibilities.See Synonyms At Careful对家庭责任时时牢记于心参见
4.Recommendation Concerning The Employment Of Women With Family Responsibilities关于有家庭责任的妇女就业问题建议
5.My Duty To My Family Lies Before My Own Interests.我的家庭责任比我的个人利益更重要。
6.My In A Dream Lover Will Is Occupy The Industry Heart, There Is The Man Of The Social Responsibility And The Family Sense Of Responsibility.我的梦中情人将是有事业心,有社会责任心和家庭责任感的男子。
7.He"s Too Young To Shackle Himself With The Responsibilities Of A Family.他还太年轻,不能用家庭责任来束缚自己。
8.Meanwhile, Henry"s Domestic Responsibilities Had Increased.与此同时,亨利的家庭责任也日趋繁重起来。
9.Failed In Her Obligations To The Family.她对家庭没有尽到责任
10.The Household Contract Responsibility System家庭联产承包责任制
11.He Have To Go Home Because Of Family Obligation.出于对家庭的责任,他不得不回家。
12.A Sense Of Responsibility Towards The Family, The Community, The Country And The World;肩负起对家庭、社会、国家和世界的责任;
13.Devoted To Home Duties And Pleasures.专注于家庭的责任和快乐。
14.Neglectful Of One"s Appearance, Responsibilities, Family不关注自己的外表、 责任、 家庭.
15.Be Optimistic, Hardworking And Responsible To The Family And Society .乐观,勤奋,对家庭和社会都有责任感。
16.Combining Family Obligations With Work Responsibilities兼顾家庭义务和工作责任
17.It Declared That The Rural Household Contract Responsibility System With Remuneration Linked To Output Should Remain Unchanged.肯定农村家庭联产承包责任制不变。
18.Improve The Houshold Contract Responsibility System With Remuneration Linked To Output完善家庭联产承包责任制